Robin Flynn is a Master Artisan who works in the medium of fused glass. She was born in Washington, D.C. and received her BS in Interior Design from Drexel University. She worked as an Interior Designer until the birth of her third son.
Her transition into becoming a glass artist began about 12 years ago when she and her husband Jim, were redoing their bathroom. Robin wanted to use a glass tile accent and found that it was very expensive. The thought that she could probably make those glass tiles herself prompted her to take a glass coaster-making class that was being offered in Allentown. She took it- and was hooked! She was inspired to buy a kiln and some glass, and she started to play and experiment with the medium and take more classes. When Robin and Jim converted their garage into a studio for her, her work really began to gain momentum.
As a glass artist, Robin is fearless. She describes her work as “Colorful! A mix of serendipity and control. I enjoy making design elements that depend upon the heatwork in the kiln, never knowing exactly how it will turn out until I open the door. Then I cut, saw, slice, grind, add other elements, sandblast, and swear until I’m happy with the result!”
Robin’s husband, Jim, has enjoyed working with wood for years. Several years ago, Robin and Jim decided to combine media, purchased a lathe, and… voila! the cheeseboard was born! Lovely functional art in which Robin’s glass plate sits in a wooden framework made by Jim. Robin has also been learning to turn. They are currently working on another joint project: a large table which Robin designed, and Jim built with glass panels inset.
Robin has been a member of the HGC for 9 years. A tireless worker, she had served as president of our Board of Directors for 3 years. She continues to serve on the Board as our Vice-President of Standards.
When asked about her exhibitions, Robin jokingly says, “I’m still waiting for a call from the Met…” In the meantime, her work can be found at The 5 Senses in West Chester, Beauty Art Gallery in Newtown Square, and the Wheaton Arts Museum store in Milford, NJ. and of course, at Haverford Guild Shows.
Oh, and that bathroom renovation that inspired a whole career? It finally came to fruition about 3 years ago, complete with glass tiles that Robin created.
Robin’s philosophy is, “Art should be a part of everyday life. It should be used and enjoyed every day. Whether you wear it, use it, or look at it, it should bring satisfaction.” Words to live by, indeed.