Applications are now open! Click here for more information about applying for this show!

March Updates

Our February general meeting was held on Wednesday, February 26, at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Technical difficulties with zoom led to the postponement and probably to lower attendance than we were hoping for. Wendy Merron led us in an exercise to change negative self-talk into positive words of action, followed by a guided meditation to our happy places where we are able to work through being stuck and moving into action. All of the participants were surprised by the fact that we were in our happy places for a full 25 minutes by the time Wendy brought the meditation to a close. The recording of the session will be available on the HGC website soon for your viewing, listening and meditative pleasure.

Our next general meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 19, at 7 p.m., again on Zoom. Paula Lewis, a member of PGC will be discussing the ins and outs of creating an artist statement, often a requirement for applying for shows. Zoom details are below. I hope to see many of you there.

The word that is at the forefront of my thoughts these days is community. Perhaps the definition that most often and most immediately springs to mind is a group whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. In this sense, community can be understood as a city or town. For me, another criterion that is most important is the bond of common interests and purpose, and the aspect of mutual support, that is, of being there for each other. I have several communities of support that are significant in my life. The community that is HGC has become quite valuable to me over the last year. The board have been oh, so supportive as I settle into this unaccustomed role of president. The members I have begun relationships with have shared their knowledge and enthusiasm both for our art in general and for HGC. They have been encouraging about my art and welcomed me with open arms into both our shows and our social gatherings. Most recently, several board members were a huge emotional support in a time of crisis. I am grateful to the HGC community for welcoming and encouraging me. In the immortal words of those 1980s B&J wine cooler advertisements, “Thank you for your support!”

Brian Middleton, President  

We have a Facebook group just for HGC Members!

This is a private group for the Artist Members of the Haverford Guild of Craftsmen to meet and discuss their work, marketing tactics and to give and receive general business and artwork advice. To join us, please go to: