Save the date for our 2024 Holiday Art & Fine Craft Show!

June Updates

The heat is here! Thank goodness for AC! 

Well, it looks like that summer, whether officially here or not, has made its grand arrival! So especially when you do outdoor activities, make sure you stay hydrated!

And better still … the PGC shows will be indoors! So don’t let the fear of the heat keep you from coming out, or better still, from volunteering for the show! Just like our shows, volunteers are always needed! If you’d be interested you can sign up here:

And don’t forget, we have a Master Artisan/Peer Review session coming up (sign up here if you’re interested: AND the deadline to apply to our show is rapidly approaching (June 18th), so if you are interested don’t wait! Apply today:

An continuing in the vein that I started earlier, today I’d also like to highlight our Treasurer, Aviva Brandt Foster. Aviva is a glass artist originally from the Chicago area, who moved into our area from Portland, Oregon in 2018. Aviva has been our treasurer for the last several years along with Carol McGarvey, and starting this year has been doing it on her own. Aviva keeps an eye on the books and make sure everything is balanced and accounted for so that we know what we can afford to spend. This includes keeping track of all the costs, petty cash and checks that we need for our shows! She does a great job and we are so lucky to have her! (Side note: Treasurer is the one job I won’t do – so I am extra grateful to have Aviva on our board!)

Mark your calendars for our next meeting! Wendy Merron will lead a Polymer Clay Make-N-Take! This is an in-person meeting only, so there will not be a Zoom option. 

We might even bring snacks. So come out!

See you at the next meeting!
Christine Wright, President

We have a Facebook group just for HGC Members!

This is a private group for the Artist Members of the Haverford Guild of Craftsmen to meet and discuss their work, marketing tactics and to give and receive general business and artwork advice. To join us, please go to: