Do you need a ride? Can you give someone a ride? –SIGN UP HERE–
Inclement weather situations: If the meeting is on a weekday and the Havertown school district either closes early or does not open at all, then we will meet by Zoom. If the meeting is on a weekend, check here and/or on our Facebook page and we will let you know if the meeting is canceled or Zoom-only or not.
Wednesday, March 19th @7PM – How to Write an Artist Statement with Paula Lewis. Probably one of the hardest things to do is to write about yourself. And just what are jurors and your customers looking for in an artist statement anyway? What IS an artist statement? Long-time member of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen and PGC Master Artisan Paula Lewis will give us a better understanding of an artist statement as well as guidance on how to write one. Don’t miss out on this informative meeting!
Wednesday, April 16th @7PM
Wednesday, May 21st @7PM
Wednesday, June 18th @7PM
July – BREAK – No meeting
August – BREAK – No meeting
Sunday, September 21st @7PM – HGC Annual Birthday Party/Picnic
Wednesday, October 15th @7PM
Sunday, December 14th @5PM – HGC Holiday Potluck
Let us know if you’d like to see a particular artist present their craft, a topic you’d like to learn more about or have been wrestling with, and if we can figure out how to swing it, we’d even consider a virtual workshop by filling out our Survey here!
If you would like directions to our meeting, click on the link below…